The Week of Invisible Progress
It’s Week 3 and it’s officially here - the week when progress was made and it doesn’t look like anything happened at all. This always happens at some point or another in my One Room Challenge experience. I think it happens it most home update experiences, though it’s perhaps less noticeable when there’s not a week to week check-in to contend with.
I did some decluttering and some gardening work this week While moving boxes around and raising the soil levels on my planters needed to be done, neither make for a particularly great before and after moment. So I think my reflection this week is that just as personal progress is not linear, renovation progress is not linear either. I’m deciding to look around in this moment and feel the energy of what’s on the horizon, feel the brewing excitement of what’s to come.
So what has me excited? If the weather cooperates, I’m excited to get some bulbs planted! We’ve had a few frost warnings this week (after two 80 degree days), so I’m trying to protect these little guys from the shock that even I’ve been experiencing with the temperatures so far this Spring. I’m excited about getting a ton of things OUT of my basement after more rounds of decluttering, and I’m hoping to shop my house a bit this coming week to give me some storage solutions that make more sense in the basement.
The big thing that I’m excited about this week is getting started on my planter for this spot at the base of my deck where the sad row of plastic planters currently is. With lumber prices being what they are and large, ready-made planters being absurdly expensive, I’m having to think a bit outside the box with building this important component on a budget. My Buy Nothing group actually DID have someone offering some beautiful lumber that would have been a dream, but I didn’t have any childcare this week and I couldn’t fit my kids and the lumber in my car at the same time. Then I saw that someone in my group was needing to get rid of a twin size box spring, and since no one needed it in the group for actual sleeping, I was able to wait a few days until I could de-carseat my car and pick it up!
Isn’t she a beaut?! I’ll admit, I did / still do feel slightly insane with this one. But what’s a box spring if not scrap wood, eh? And it’s already in a size and shape that I can use with (hopefully) minimal alteration to make it work as a good base for this planter project. So watch this space here and on Instagram for some fun outdoor shenanigans and some basement drudgery! Can you tell which project I’m enjoying more at this stage?
Feeling insane with my used box spring
Be sure to check out all the amazing progress happening by ORC participants this week at <3